04 November, 2012

View all pending friend requests on Facebook ! 2012

Sending friend requests to unknown people is common on Facebook. If you send a friend request to a person and if he/she does not accept it than it becomes a pending friend request.

You can see in our Previous post in which we explained a simple way to know all pending friend requests by just adding a application.

But if you wants to view all pending friend requests and don't want to use any application for that, then

#1 Login to your Facebook account

#2 Go to Account Settings

#3 Click on "Download a copy"

#4 Click on "Expanded archive"

#5 Type your password and continue > Start my Archive > Conform

Within minutes you will receive a email a link to download your archive. download and then extract somewhere.

#6 Open "Index.html" file

#7 Scroll down and select "Pending friend requests.

If you didnt understand any step we also explained this article through images, see below:

::::If you Still have any doubts, we are always here to help you.