12 November, 2013

How to Create "404 Page Not Found" for Blogger !

A 404 error page, No one likes it. A 404 error appears when a user clicks on a  link or enters a URL which is no more exist. It may be because the page is deleted by the webmaster or it may be because the user have entered a wrong URL.

When a someone gets a 404 page, they don't have any option but to close the tab and which means you have lost that visitor. By creating a custom 404 page you can give your reader a better option. Having a customized 404 page provides reader a better user experience. A good 404 page can help in reducing bounce rate.

Here is a default view which people see when they get a 404 page. Instead of  this page you can tell visitor to go to sitemap and see a list of all posts of your blog or you can provide a search box so that they can search whatever they want.

To add a custom 404 page on your blogger blog you just need to go:

Blogger Settings for Custom 404 Page
Blogger Settings for Custom 404 Page

Settings | Search Preferences and click on Edit for Custom Page Not Found under Errors and redirections. A text box will open there, you can add your custom message and then Save changes.

You can also use HTML/CSS to make it look better. We have created some pages for you below you can add them and customize them as per your requirement.

  • Style 1
<p style="font-family:Helvetica;color:#444;text-align:center;font-size:50px">404 Error</p> <p style="font-family:Helvetica;color:#888;text-align:center;font-size:20px">Sorry, the page you were looking for does not exist.</p> <p style="font-family:Helvetica;color:#444;text-align:center;font-size:18px;"><b>Go to<a href="http://www.edupdates.com/p/sitemap.html">Sitemap</a> to view a list of all the pages.</b></p>